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So I recently had to deal with a major dilemma regarding my child care.  My nanny, who started working for us 2 1/2 months ago recently told me she was pregnant. Immediately I thought of myself- what was I going to do? How am I going to find another caregiver? Looking at it from her perspective and the larger issue of pregant working women made me rethink my positioning. I admit I was ready to let her go and find someone new immediately.  I can’t tell you how many friends of mine, who I love dearly agreed with this approach. The first reaction of most of them was “oh no.”

But upon further thinking I decided that was the wrong approach. Just because she was pregnant didn’t mean she couldn’t do her job, right? What if, when I told my boss I was pregnant he decided for me that I couldn’t work anymore? It just didn’t sit well with me. So we reached an agreement- if my nanny feels that she can’t keep up with my young son, then she will tell us and we’ll take it from there to find a new nanny.